Sunday, March 31, 2013

My New Favorite Short Rib Recipe

It was time to start using up meat in my freezer and try some new recipes for main dishes. It is often a challenge to figure out what to fix for dinner and not have to eat it for a week because I made so much!!  I am pretty good about putting my "Seal A Meal" to work and saving servings for future busy days.   I keep index cards clipped on my refrigerator listing what meats are in the freezer and have a separate one for cooked entrees so I don't forget I have things ready to go if I don't want to cook or don't have time to do it. That system works pretty well for me - most of the time!!

I don't eat a lot of beef, but every now and then I just crave it and the short ribs had been calling out to me for awhile, so I decided to borrow a recipe from Framed Cooks to make a delicious meal of Mustard Short Ribs.  All I can say is............. Ohhhhhhhhhh  Myyyyyyyyyyy Goshhhhhhhh!!!! These were fabulous.  I love the way the coarse mustard melted into the beef  broth and the meat and created such an unexpected yet rich flavor.  And the sour cream blended with the grainy mustard and fresh garlic chives added a tasty cool complement to the tender, juicy short ribs.

The ingredients were relatively simple and straightforward as you can see from the linked recipe above.  I followed her recipe pretty much, just changed the potatoes using what I had, and added my favorite seasoning, the Borsari from King Arthur Flour, decreasing the salt, but still adding the pepper called for.
OOPS - forgot to take the ribs out of the fridge and add them to the photo!!

Once again I put the Ninja Cooking System to use to brown the ribs before letting the slow cooker setting take over.....
Can't you just hear the sizzle???

Then add the onions, potatoes, carrots and garlic on top....

The beef broth and coarse ground mustard smell  incredible over the ribs and that wonderful scent fills the whole house as the day goes on and made my stomach growl hours before it was time for dinner!

And finally it was ready.  I actually hesitated adding the sour cream and mustard to the ribs. They smelled and tasted - (yes I cheated and tested them!) so good already - what could that sauce add?  Well let me tell you - it was  a true surprise to experience those flavors take this dish from wonderful and yummy to downright fabulous!!!! 

This makes my mouth water just posting the photo.

You have to visit Framed Cooks and try this recipe - it's a keeper!!  Enjoy!
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  1. That DOES look YUMMY!!!!! Can almost smell it!!!!

  2. It was yummy! Thank you.

    Not sure what happened with the layout - any ideas? Where did all of that white come from??!!?? Sorry!
